Unregister vSphere Replication from vCenter Server if the Appliance Was Deleted
Log in to https://<vCenter_Server_address>/mob/?moid=ExtensionManager with vCenter Server credentials.
- In the extensionList property, click the corresponding link for the com.vmware.vcHms extension key to check the key details.
- Verify that the displayed data is for a vSphere Replication appliance that is already lost.
- In ExtensionManager, click unregisterExtension.
- Type com.vmware.vcHms for the extension key value, and click Invoke Method.
- Verify that the result displays void and not an error message.
An error message might appear if the specified extension is not registered, or if an unexpected runtime error occurs.
6.Close the window.
7. Refresh the ExtensionManager page and verify that the extensionList entry does not include com.vmware.vcHms.
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